
The Diet Diaries

Healthy Living Mama Solutions Parenting The Diet Diaries

7 Tips to Lose Weight While Feeding Your Family

March 16, 2016

I’ve been MIA for few days. I took the girls to Chicago for to spend some time with my mom. This was my first time traveling by myself with two kids and I don’t recommend it. Thank God I didn’t lose anyone and we made it back home in one piece. After stuffing my face with Chicago style pizza and Portillos, I’m back on my weight loss plan.…

Healthy Living Mama Solutions Recipes The Diet Diaries Weight Loss Weight Watchers

Diet Diaries: What I’m Eating

February 18, 2016

My weigh-loss plan has been going awesome.  If you haven’t heard, I’m doing Weight Watchers with Oprah (in my head).  The Weight Watchers plan has always worked for me.  I love bread and pasta.  Weight Watchers allows me to keep eating the things that I love.  I shared last week my diet tips.  This week I’m sharing my favorite Weight Watchers meals.  Once I find something I like and helps…

Healthy Living Post Pregnancy The Diet Diaries Weight Loss Weight Watchers Workout Gear

Diet Diaries: Postpartum Weight Loss

January 21, 2016

Diet Diaries is back!  It’s been 4 months since Harper’s arrival and I’m ready to get back to my old self (with a few extra war wounds).  Towards the end of my pregnancy all I wanted to do was get my body back.  Not that my body was so hot, but being pregnant makes you appreciate the “old” body you  had.  I would look at old pictures of…

Family Fun Food Healthy Living Parenting Recipes Recipes

Benefits of Meal Planning #EveryDayCare

October 23, 2015

*I was part of the Every day, care™project with Whirlpool® as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars. #EveryDayCare I’m still wrapping my head around having a five year old and a newborn. Balancing two kids I’m quickly reminded how much is needed to run my household. Most of the tasks I take on around the house like doing laundry, washing bottles, baths, making lunch and dinner may…