Keeping a tidy and organized home is an ongoing work in progress. Once you get to

This is my organized laundry room. Laundry rooms become a mess because they are usually a catchall when you don’t know where to put something. I’m happy to share that this system is still working for us and it is still tidy. Click HERE for details. There’s even a video.

I also implemented a system to organize the girls drawers. You can find the details HERE.

The best thing I could have done for my sanity last year was cleaning and organizing under my bathroom sink. This system has been great and my bathroom is still tidy. You can find details HERE.

Under my kitchen sink was out of control. The system I put in place is still working. Click HERE for details and video.

I blame my husband 100% for our previous hot mess of a pantry. He never knows where anything goes so he just puts it in there. This before photos make me cringe. It not as tidy now as it is in the photos but it definitely isn’t like the before photos. This is an ongoing issue. Details HERE.
The main thing that I have learned over years of trying to stay tidy and organized is that you need to have a system. That system includes that every item you own has a “home” in your home. If you find that a system isn’t working for you, you can change it. I had to do that a few times in my closet. You can see it HERE.
I hope this post helps ignite the tidiness within you so you can live your best life.
Toia Barry
January 12, 2019 at 12:55 pmI came across the show the other day and I really want to start watching over the weekend! I like to keep the home as organized as possible but I’m sure I have room for improvement… especially when it comes to my clothes. Can wait to see tips I can implement!