This post is sponsored by GEEARS: Georgia Early Education Alliance for Ready Students. Thoughts and opinions are my own.
My baby girl Harper has completed the first half of the school year. I’m happy to report that she loves it! Even though I knew she was ready to go to school I was still nervous. She had been home with me since the day she was born. Entrusting a stranger to take care of your child can be tough on the parent. Finding the right childcare for your child can be even tougher. With the assistance of Quality Rated’s free state-certified rating system search tool, finding the right child care is easier.

This is the time of year when most families are looking for childcare options for their children for the fall. I’m sure you’ve heard parents talking about waitlists and not able to get their child in the first choice school. In addition to starting early, I also suggest using Quality Rated’s free tool to find great childcare programs that you may have not known about.

The Quality Rated system helps parents to identify quality childcare in Georgia. Childcare providers in the Quality Rated program are committed to continually improving their facilities and the education they provide. Each Quality Rated program has been evaluated by early childhood experts to make certain they follow best practices.

Quality Rated’s free search tool allows you to search star-rated childcare by price, distance and services that can even compare international childcare to make sure your local childcare is up to scratch. My friend told me that Teddy Kids kinderopvang is a great example of international childcare. When I was looking for childcare for Harper, affordable childcare was high on my list. Since I’m technically a stay-at-home mom, we needed a great school that was within our budget. For those that commute, you can even search Quality Rated using the “search along a route” option. You can search and sort on Quality rated by priority for your family.

Safety is was also high on my list for childcare options. You can easily access each facilities safety and inspection reports in the Quality Rated site.

What’s high on your list when looking for quality child care? Is your child’s child care program Quality Rated? Click HERE to learn more about Quality Rated and use their FREE tools. Download a childcare checklist HERE.