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Sisterhood of Motherhood: No Judgement #SisterhoodUnite

February 3, 2015

Being a mom is the hardest, yet most rewarding job there is.  After nine months, your are responsible for this little person with no instructions.  I remember thinking, I can’t believe they let me leave the hospital with this baby with no experience.  They didn’t even call to check on her.  Thank goodness, my motherly instincts kicked in.   After I got settle in, I turned to the internet for answers to some of my questions.  I had questions about breastfeeding, diapers, sleep training, bottles and more.  Then I realized, some moms are very judgmental and downright mean.  I love that Similac is spearheading an initiative for parents to support one another with the Sisterhood of Motherhood in campaign.

similac sisterhood of motherhood

I heard of internet trolls before but it was getting real in the internet streets.   These were new moms ganging up on poor women in chatrooms and forums.  I would read comments like, Oh No she didn’t!  I’ve even had people comment that I’m more worried about how Peyton looks then her education.  Ma’am, have several seats.  Peyton works hard and will be one of the smartest and well dressed kid in her class.  Just because I don’t brag that Peyton speaks spanish, can read and knows the Pledge of Allegiance (at 3) and the Lord’s Prayer (at 2) doesn’t mean that she isn’t educated.  Mister has a Master’s degree and I have a bachelors.  She’ll be just fine.

There are a million other things to worry about than if I use a disposable diaper or if my baby is formula feed.   There are parents dealing with babies with special needs, heart conditions and even death.  At the end of the day, as long as the baby is well taken care of, who cares.

Please take a minute to watch Similac’s hilarious but true The Mother “Hood” video, that reminds us how silly it is to judge other moms.  Can’t we all just get along?  Like I said earlier, being a mom is hard enough.  Let’s try to encourage and support one another.  Please support Similac’s Sisterhood of Motherhood effort by joining the conversation using #SisterhoodUnite on Twitter and Facebook.  Please share the video (click to tweet below) for a laugh and to remind others to support each other instead of judging.  Have you experienced judgement from other moms?

*This post is sponsored by Similac Sisterhood in Motherhood.  Thoughts and opinions are my own.

  • Tiffany C
    February 3, 2015 at 11:00 am

    This is so cool! I didn’t know about this thanks for sharing!!

  • Mimi
    February 3, 2015 at 11:39 am

    People can be so cruel and judgmental. I won’t lie and say I haven’t been guilty of the same acts in the past but as I have grown and learn I am truly understanding that we all have our own battles to fight and it’s not easy. I love this campaign, I hope it shows some that we really all are on the same playing ground when it comes to raising kids. Whether you are rich or poor the situations will be similar.

  • Katina
    February 4, 2015 at 10:48 pm

    I loved this. It made me tear up. So funny, but yet so sad at the same time. It’s horrible that people really act like this. Great message Similac

  • Danielle
    February 7, 2015 at 1:53 am

    This is a great video. I myself have disagreed with family over my breast feeding choice. I have a masters degree and a demanding career and find myself being judgmental when I see parent’s too pre occupied to parent. No one given a book encouragement goes further than judgement.