We love seeing cute pictures of little girls. I’ve come across a few that after further inspection I notice the child may or may not be wearing extensions. If you’re like me, you may go comment creepin’ to only see folks ripping the mother apart for adding hair in this baby’s head. That got me to thinking…how young is too young for extensions?…
Mommy & Me in Suakoko Betty
May 19, 2016Would you believe me if I told you I wasn’t sure if I ever wanted kids? I was never a “kid” kinda woman. I was still on the fence about kids even after I hit 30. Maybe it was because I saw how my mom struggled and thought it wasn’t worth it. Maybe it was because I heard were so many horror stories of being a teen mom I was turned off. Or…
Happy Hair: Books & Activities for Little Brown Girls
May 18, 2016When I was a little girl, my mom had to search far and wide to find a brown doll that resembled me. I was almost over Barbies when they finally had came out with the brown Peaches n’ Cream doll. Remember her? I’m so excited for Peyton and Harper to have brown dolls and characters in books that look like them. First thing Peyton says when she sees…
The Only Sandals You’ll Want to Wear this Summer #FindYourFun
May 17, 2016I love (well before kids) wearing heels and feeling tall. I’m not part of the “Talls” but on a good day, with the right heel, I can be an honorary member. Wearing heels is easier said than done. My feet went up 2 shoe sizes while pregnant and back down. That’s a lot of drama to have on your feet in one year. What if I told you I found a cute…
Family Outfits for Disney World
May 12, 2016Quick disclosure. This post was intended to be live before we left for Disney World, but the way my life is setup, it didn’t happen. I still wanted to share because if you’re anything like me, when the word vacation comes up you start thinking about what to wear. I knew I didn’t want to do the whole family t-shirt thing (but I did think about it), I went…