
Family Fashion

Baby Fashions Children's Fashion Fall Fashion Family Fashion H+M School Fashion Weekend Style

My Little Pumpkins

October 9, 2017

Happy Christopher Wallace Day! LOL!  We celebrated my birthday all weekend so I’m glad that I didn’t have to get up at 6 am to get Peyton ready for school.  If you follow me on IG, you know I partied hard. Saturday night, Mister put together a little party for me with some of my close friends.  Sunday I went to see my man Nas.  In addition to all…

Baby Fashions FabKids Family Fashion Spring Fashion Vacation Style Weekend Style

Bae Watch on Jekyll Island

April 3, 2017

As a child, I never had the luxury of going on a vacation.  My mom was busy working hard to take care of me and our funds were limited.  I never even went to a relative’s home for the summer.  I remember being so jealous when my friends would come back to school from summer break sharing stories of going to Atlanta or Florida with family in the summers.…

Baby Fashions Children's Fashion FabKids Family Fashion Mamanista Spring Fashion Styling Summer Fashion Target Weekend Style

What We’re Wearing to the Beach

March 30, 2017

Peyton’s spring break starts this Friday and we’re headed to the beach!  We’re only going to be there a few days but I plan to make the most of it.  It’s going to be a nice break to get away with the family.  No cooking, cleaning or hustling kids back and forth to practice, can I get an Amen!  I’m also trying to make sure our trip is…

Baby Fashions Fall Fashion Family Fashion Fashion Mamanista Mommy and Me Weekend Style

Mama and Her Cubs

November 14, 2016

I hope you all had a great weekend.  Now more than ever, I just want to love on my babies and encourage them to be the best they can be.  The recent events have confirmed what I already knew, we are responsible for ourselves and don’t expect anyone to give you anything.  These next four years may not be easy but this mama is going to protect her cubs.  …