American Girl Education Weekend Style

American Girl Celebrates Black History with Melody

February 21, 2016

American Girl is celebrating Black History Month with their courageous new character to the BeForever collection, Melody.  Growing up in the 1960’s, Melody is the main character in the American Girl book, No Ordinary Sound, authored by Denise Lewis Patrick.

american girl black history

The character, Melody is growing up during the Civil Rights Movement, and her story is a great way to share the struggles and triumphs of that period of time in American history. As Melody sees unfair things happening to people within her own family, she feels the need to help create harmony in the world around her. She learns the importance of standing up for what she believes in, and how adding her voice to the voices of many really can make a difference! The same is true today.

Peyton is an excellent reader but this book is recommended for children 8 and older.  I read the story to Peyton.  Such a heartfelt story that I enjoyed just as much as Peyton.  No better way to end out Black History Month with an aspiring story that all families can enjoy.  Click HERE to learn more about No Ordinary Sound and pick up a copy.  How are you celebrating Black History Month?

*I received a copy of the book for review purposes. Thoughts and opinions are my own.