

Beauty Beauty Products Makeup Mama Solutions Mamanista Neiman Marcus Product Review

Fall Skincare Favorites

October 20, 2016

While working on getting back into my skincare routine I’ve come across some new (to me) beauty products. Instead of refilling my old faithful products that I have used for years, I decided to try something new. With products from companies like Rojank, to PIXI and Mario Badescu, I’m so happy with how my routine is going so far. I just need to stick to being consistent and…

Fall Fashion Fashion Gucci J Crew Mama Solutions Mamanista Target

Bell on Bells + Fall Fashion Blogger Tour

October 14, 2016

I hope your fall fashion season is off to a great start.  Fall weather is here and I’m ready to get dressed!  I know you’re tired of me talking about how excited I am for fall fashion.  Keep in mind, last year I skipped fall because I’d just given birth to Harper. I wasn’t trying to see nothing but sweats and uggs.  I had to sit back and watch fall…

Business Events Fall Fashion Lifestyle Mama Solutions Mamanista

5 Things I Learned from the Essence Path to Power

October 13, 2016

A few weeks ago I had the honor to sit on the Johnson & Johnson Path to Power panel for Essence Magazine in Atlanta.  After the initial shock of Essence considering me for the event, I accepted.  Growing up, Essence was my go to source to read encouraging stories about women that looked like me.  I still couldn’t wrap my head around why Essence choose me to sit…