We all have fond memories of early beauty and style chats with our mothers, grandmothers or aunties. My mom has always dressed to the nines wherever she went. Her looks were always complete, from head to toe. I remember noticing that my mom was always the best-dressed person everywhere she went and the impression she left. She was my first beauty and style role model. I wanted to…
Mamanista Friday: It’s Cold
February 20, 2015I hope you guys are staying warm this Friday. It’s been freezing in Atlanta this week that they closed the schools on Tuesday and Friday. I remember walking to school in Chicago in -50 temps! I’m not here for the non-snow days. Sounding like my mama. Luckily, temps are supposed to get back up to the 50’s this weekend. Since we are free-styling for Mamanista Fridays, I’m…
It’s amazing when beautiful ladies you know in real life do something epic! My friends from the Style Influencer Group, Lexi from Lexi with the Curls, Jessica from Glamazon Blog and Christina from Love Brown Sugar have created something amazing just in time for Black History Month! They brought together a group of social influential women to recreate images of black iconic women in Black History. The icons these…
A Wish for Peyton #KidsDreamingBig
February 16, 2015I have so many wishes for Peyton as she grows up. My number one wish is that Peyton will continue to be confident and love herself while spreading love to others. You have to love yourself first before you can spread love to others. When you love yourself, you have to confidence to do anything when you put your mind to it. Peyton has such an amazing personality…
Mamanista Fridays: Valentine’s Day
February 13, 2015Happy Valentine’s Day weekend! We don’t have any big plans. I’ll be happy just to grab lunch. So my Valentine’s Day look is going to be pretty casual.…