

Events Kids Products Mamanista Product Review

Highlights from the World Natural Hair Show

April 27, 2016

I’m still recovering from my action packed World Natural Hair Show weekend!  I haven’t been on the go this much since I had Harper.  My sister Constance, who is a natural hair stylist, came to town from Indianapolis to attend the hair show.  The activities started on Friday with a meeting with buyers for the multicultural hair section in Walmart, followed by dinner.   Saturday, my sister and I…

Beyonce Mama Solutions Mamanista Nordstroms

Beyonce’s Ivy Park Collection Hits Nordstroms

April 14, 2016

I’m here for pretty much anything Beyonce.  I don’t have membership to the Beyhive, but if I Beyonce her face to face, I would probably act like all Fan Girl on.  Her and Oprah are they only folks that will borderline have me being a “Stan”.  Today is the day that Beyonce drops her Ivy Park collection sold exclusively at Nordstrom.  Ivy Park is a active wear collection created by…

Mama Solutions Mamanista Summer Fashion Swimwear Vacation Style

15 HOT Mom Friendly Swimsuits

April 7, 2016

Spring break is here!  Peyton is off for this week.  Unfortunately we’re not going anywhere.  Our family vacation is not scheduled until early May.  Even though I feel like I’m the only one at home this week, my body wasn’t ready.  In the mean time I’ve been searching high and low for some hot bathing suits for my postpartum body.  I only have about 3 square inches of my…

Fashion Mama Solutions Mamanista Shopping List Spring Fashion

Shopping List: Mom Friendly Spring Trends

March 31, 2016

It’s the last day of March!  Time to ditch those winter clothes even if it feels like it.  I’ve never been so pumped to wear spring clothing in my life.  I think it’s because I was very preggers this time last year.  There are a lot of spring trends are mom friendly this season.  I’ve already added most of the items to my spring and summer line up.…