

Mama Solutions Parenting Reviews Weekend Style

Sharing is Caring, Give a Box of Cheerios

June 13, 2017

This post is sponsored by Cheerios.  Thoughts and opinions are my own. Growing up, having a box of cereal in the cabinet was a must.  My mom worked a lot so my go to meal was always cereal.  Breakfast, lunch or dinner, If I was hungry I would make me a bowl of Cheerios, with or without milk.  I also remember waking up on Saturday mornings and making myself a…

Lifestyle Mama Solutions Mamanista Parenting Post Pregnancy Pregnancy

9 Ways I Plan to Get My Life Together

October 5, 2016

Social media will have you convinced that some people really have the “perfect” life and have it all together. Let’s be honest, social media is just the highlight reel of our lives.  I’m the first to admit, I don’t have it all together.  I currently feel like I’m drowning.  I can’t seem to get a handle on my laundry, cleaning, my blog or my kids.  I know these are…

Baby Fashions Creative Soul Mamanista Mommy and Me Photography Suakoko Suakoko Betty Weekend Style

Mommy & Me in Suakoko Betty

May 19, 2016

Would you believe me if I told you I wasn’t sure if I ever wanted kids?  I was never a “kid” kinda woman.  I was still on the fence about kids even after I hit 30.  Maybe it was because I saw how my mom struggled and thought it wasn’t worth it.  Maybe it was because I heard  were so many horror stories of being a teen mom I was turned off.  Or…

Mama Solutions Mamanista Mother's Day Parenting

The Perfect Mom & The Perfect Card for Mother’s Day

April 29, 2016

I swear it was just New Years and now it’s time to celebrate.  Mother’s Day is a very special day to me and not just because I’m a mother of two.  Mother’s just don’t receive enough praise throughout the year.  Truth be told, moms can be harder on themselves more than anyone else.  We often questions ourselves if we are the “Perfect” mom.  Media (and Social Media) tells you that you’re…