Events Giving Back Mamanista

For the Love of Color

February 27, 2011

Last Thursday I was honored to be invited to the For the Love of Color event honoring the late Eunice Johnson at Macy’s in Atlanta.

This event is honoring the style icon Eunice Johnson, founder of Fashion Fair cosmetics and Ebony Fashion Fair Shows and wife of the late John Johnson the founder of Ebony and Jet Magazine.

I remember the special they had last year about the Ebony Fashion fair and how it came to be with Eunice traveling the world and buying up fashions to bring back to the US for African American women to be able to wear them on the runway back in 1950’s.

Macy’s did a wonderful job hosting the event.  Mannequins were dressed in some of the fierce fashions that went down the catwalk back in the day.

I brought the legs out of hibernation! The dress is from Forever 21 for $12.50! Leather blazer from Arden B, a few years old about $200.

My BNF! Best Niece Forever!

  • Jane Alisa
    February 27, 2011 at 10:27 pm

    Cute dress & it looks like a great event. xoxo

  • Rhonda
    February 28, 2011 at 2:31 am

    I wish I was there!!! Love the dress too!

  • Nikesha
    February 28, 2011 at 3:30 pm

    you are looking good mommy Trina!!!