
Mommy Blogger

Baby Fashions Children's Fashion Family Fashion Fashion Mamanista Mom Mom Fashion Mommy and Me Mommy Blogger Summer Fashion Sunglasses Weekend Style

Good Times

June 18, 2018

This summer is flying by!  Because of my crazy Dr. Miracle’s Tour schedule, I only have Mon-Thursday to get everything done.  Peyton is still in gymnastics and Harper started a dance class, so we’re pretty busy.  We’re doing our best to enjoy the few days a week that we’re not ripping and running.  We finally had time to take these “old school” pics that give me Summertime Chi vibes. …

Mama Solutions Mamanista Mommy and Me Mommy Blogger Mother's Day

I See You Mama! Tips From My Favorite Mompreneurs

May 11, 2018

Being a mother is hard work.  The job doesn’t come with a manual or instructions.  You work over a hundred hours a week with no pay.  Somehow we all manage to keep our kids alive and happy every day.  When I think of all that we do for our families, I know there is a God that gave us superpowers because how else could we do this?  This year…

Beauty Ivory Mamanista Mommy Blogger Product Review

Day in the Life of a Mom Blogger

March 26, 2018

This post is sponsored by Ivory.  Thoughts an opinions are my own. Moms have a lot on their plates.  In addition to taking care of family and home, we still have to work and have dreams of our own.  I start every day with a to-do list a mile long.  I may be with my kids physically all day but sometimes I’m not there because I’m thinking about all the things I…

Blogging Blogging Tips Mama Solutions Mamanista Mommy Blogger

Journey to Mompreneurship

January 29, 2018

I hope you all had a great weekend.  My weekend consisted of Bingo Night at Peyton’s school on Friday, watching my BFF daughter play basketball Saturday morning and a blogging event on Sunday.  I also managed to catch up on laundry.  Juggling motherhood and a career is not easy for any mom.  One of the top emails or dm’s I get is how I became a Mompreneur or…

Baby Fashions Fall Fashion Fashion Fly Shoes Gucci Holiday Style Mamanista Mommy and Me Mommy Blogger Weekend Style Winter Fashion Zara

Black Excellence

January 22, 2018

I hope you all had a great weekend!  After being “snowed in” for almost a week, Atlanta finally thawed out.  Peyton only went to school once last week.  Even Mister was home for a few days.  The week totally threw me off track.  I’m not looking forward getting up early, but kind of looking forward to getting back to my routine.  Another routine that I’m excited to get back…
