


Is it Spring Yet?

March 11, 2019

The Atlanta weather is planning with my emotions. One week it’s in the 60 and then back down to 30. How do we dress for this weather. I’m ready to pack up these sweaters but the weather be like “Nah Bih”. I recently went on a shopping spree on Shein’s kids section and got a bunch of cute jackets. The girls did a cute video that will be…


My Favorite FREE Home Workouts

February 19, 2019

Trying to get back into a routine after the 4 day weekend for President Obama Day. I did manage to get in some workouts. Some workouts were at the gym and some were at home. I belong to two gyms. It’s seriously a waste of money but I have my reasons. Sometimes it’s just impossible to get to the gym. You have to get the kids and yourself…


Black Patent Beret

February 16, 2019

She wore a black patent beret *In my Prince voice*. I can’t get that sung out of my head since taking these pics. I bought this beret back in the fall and forgot about it. I actually forgot about all my hats except for the beanies I wore every day while looking a hot mess. Since the beret is giving me Black Panther vibes and it’s Black History…


Tidying Up: Coat Closet Makeover

February 7, 2019

Getting my Marie Kondo on and decided to clean out my coat closet next to my garage door entrance. This closet has been a catchall for my husband. He put any and everything in there. I only used the closet to house paper towels and my broom. This is the last closet that doesn’t have new shelving. I think that’s why I didn’t use it. I finally decided…