Happy 4th! I know some of us aren’t feeling too patriotic. We’ve got a pres with mental issues and the White House is in shambles. I know our country is better than that and I’m still rooting for us. In spite of its troubled past, I still love our country. We will get through this storm. As much as hate has reared it’s ugly head, love always…
I said I wasn’t going to wear any colors or prints this summer. I lied. I’ve been spotted HERE, HERE and HERE wearing all types of prints and colors. One pattern that could be a bit tricky is gingham. I love gingham, but with my boho-esque style, it can take some effort to make it work. Here’s how I styled this off the shoulder gingham dress for my boho-esque…
I recently shared with you guys how I used to be so insecure about my legs (here). My legs are one of my favorite assets. Being that my arms and stomach are off the table, that’s pretty much all I have left. I’ve always been a fan of short suits. They’re functional and unexpected.…
5 Tips to Radiant Legs This Summer
June 20, 2017This post is sponsored by Vaseline. Thoughts and opinions are my own. Summer 17′ is officially in full swing. If you’ve been hiding those gambs all winter, it’s time to bring them out. There was a time in my life when I hated summer because I was so insecure about showing my legs. My tomboy legs were crooked (bow) and full of scars. All the other little girls had…
I bet yall thought I was done rocking my African print items. No, ma’am! If you follow me on Snapchat you’ve probably seen this dress a time or two already. Meet the official dress of Summer 17! I picked up this dress during the African Print Love event in May. I seriously want to wear it everywhere. …