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Backsplash Woes

April 13, 2016

It’s been a year since my extreme kitchen makeover and my kitchen is still not all the way done. *Sigh* Cabinets still need to be painted and backslpash needs to be added.  I did have a new baby last year so that added to the delay.  Now it’s time to get back to business.  My kitchen has come a long way (before) but I’m ready for it to look…

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Year in Review + 2016 Goals

December 30, 2015

This has been a whirlwind year.  New home and new baby all in one year!  God is so good!  None of this was planned!  Mister threw out the idea of a new home right around Christmas time a year ago.  Houses in our location go fast so we had to move fast.  Then I found out I was pregnant.  I survived buying a new home, renovations, decorating and…

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Inside Harper’s Closet

September 10, 2015

I’m patiently waiting for my baby girls arrival.  Just one week to go!  I can’t say that I feel like this pregnancy went by fast.  Maybe because these last 8 weeks have felt like they’ve been crawling by.  I can say that I am ready!  Nursery is done (HERE), house clean, hospital bag packed and my mother arrived last night!  The last major task for Harper was to…