
Fall Fashion

Baby Fashions Fall Fashion Fashion Holiday Style Weekend Style Zappos

Major Key

December 28, 2016

Happy Holidays!  I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas.  Our Christmas was great.  I spent the day in my sweatpants playing with my girls.  Unfortunately we had a death in the family the week before Christmas.  The home going service was held up north so Mister and couple other family members hit the road Christmas night and I stayed behind with the kids.  As the year of…

Fall Fashion Fly Shoes Giveaway Holiday Shopping Holiday Style JC Penney Mama Solutions Mamanista

Holiday Style at JCPenney + Liz Claiborne Charging Clutch Giveaway

December 14, 2016

This post is sponsored by JCPenney. Thoughts and opinions are my own. Christmas is a little over a week away and holiday parties are in full swing.  I have three parties to attend just this week!  Besides a hectic social calendar, you may be looking for something to wear.  JCPenney‘s has you covered.  I recently ran in to my local JCPenney store and put together this cute holiday look…

Baby Fashions Fall Fashion Fashion Holiday Style Weekend Style

Thanksgiving Style

November 28, 2016

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break!  Thank you for all the love and prayers for Harper.  I’m happy to report that she is almost back to her normal self.  My girls had a great time celebrating with family on Thanksgiving day.  My mom and niece are still in town, so we’re still enjoying their company.  I would usually coordinate Peyton and Harper’s outfits but since…

Baby Fashions Fall Fashion Family Fashion Fashion Mamanista Mommy and Me Weekend Style

Mama and Her Cubs

November 14, 2016

I hope you all had a great weekend.  Now more than ever, I just want to love on my babies and encourage them to be the best they can be.  The recent events have confirmed what I already knew, we are responsible for ourselves and don’t expect anyone to give you anything.  These next four years may not be easy but this mama is going to protect her cubs.  …

Fall Fashion Fashion Mama Solutions Mamanista


November 11, 2016

It’s been a rough week.  I had to take a break to get my mind right.  I’m glad to say that I’m in a better place today.  It’s not going to be easy, but we are going to make it through this storm.  We always do.  On a lighter note, I wanted to share my favorite new trend with you, lace-up tops!  Not only are they sexy, but it’s…