
Active Wear

Active Wear Fall Fashion Weekend Style


October 25, 2018

I feel like my kids have been MIA from the blog lately.  Mama been out here living her best life while the kids have been home with Mister.  Now that I’m finally sitting still ,I’m going to get back to working on our fall/holiday content. I also wanted to take a minute to celebrate my oldest cutie Peyton!  Report cards came home and she got all A’s, even…

Active Wear Healthy Living Mama Solutions Mamanista The Diet Diaries Weight Loss Weight Watchers Workout Gear

5 Tips to Help You Stay Motivated to Keep Working Out

January 27, 2017

I wanted to check in with my fitness and weight loss update.  So far I’m down 9 pounds since January 2nd!  *Hits the Dougie*  I can’t believe it!  It hasn’t been easy.  I’ve been hitting the gym 3 to 4 times a week and spending a lot of time prepping my meals.  It’s so worth it!  I still have another 15 pounds I would like to shed.  We’re…

Active Wear Children's Fashion Fitness Weekend Style

Dancing Queen: Peyton’s 1st Dance Recital {Video}

June 1, 2015

I’m officially a dance mom!  Peyton’s has been taking a ballet and tap class during her Pre-K school year and she had her end of dance recital last night.  I’m so proud of Peyton.  I know she’s only 4 but I love that she dedicates herself to every activity she does.  While she is young, I want her to try any activity or sport she is curious about.  When I was…
