DIY Dollar Tree Gift Guide Gifts Holiday Style Mama Solutions Parenting Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day Gift: DIY Box of Chocolates

February 10, 2015

I’m going to go ahead and crown myself as the queen of last minute DIY gifts.  Most kids have their Valentine’s Day parties this week.  Of course I don’t have my stuff together and there is nothing cute left in the stores.  I headed to my favorite spot, Dollar Tree, to make a gift for Peyton’s teachers for Valentine’s Day.  This DIY box of chocolates may be the easiest, cheapest and cutest gift that I have put together thus far.  Get your keys and pocketbook ready to head out to the dollar store after reading this post.

valentines day diy 1

valentines day diy 2

Peyton has two teachers that need gifts.  I picked up 2 bags of chocolate (wrapped) candies, two small heart shaped boxes and some decorative shred.  Five bucks and I had what I needed.  Fill half of the heart box with shred.  Then add the candy.  Try to mix up the colors.  Put the top on the box and your done!  valentines day diy 3How easy and cute is this?  Personally, I would rather receive this box of chocolates instead of the stuffy kind with mystery candy.  This gift is not limited to teachers.  Fill boxes with your loved ones favorite candies.  If you need more Valentine’s Day ideas, check out my Gift in a Jar post from Christmas.  You can make that work for any holiday.  Click HERE for that post.

What do you think?  Will you try this DIY Box of Chocolates?

  • Aracely
    February 10, 2015 at 9:50 am

    Yup, making this for Madi’s teachers! Thanks. 🙂

  • Tori | Glasses and Glitter
    February 10, 2015 at 10:32 am

    I went to Dollar Tree and got a bunch of cute stuff from there last night! Good job!

  • Brittany
    February 10, 2015 at 1:42 pm

    This is perfect! Such a great idea and so affordable!

    Brittany x

  • tasha
    February 10, 2015 at 3:17 pm

    This is a cute last minute gift! I loves it. Send me a box

  • Bobbie
    February 10, 2015 at 10:40 pm

    Trina…this is cute and creative! I’m sure Peyton’s teachers will love it!

  • Raquel
    February 11, 2015 at 9:05 am

    Super cute idea!! I love sixlets!!

  • Tiffany C.
    February 11, 2015 at 3:29 pm

    Smart and easy, doesn’t get much better than that!

  • Mrs. Delightful
    February 13, 2015 at 6:24 am

    Cute idea

  • Alex
    January 27, 2022 at 1:31 pm

    This is a great gift and a great article. I am preparing a gift for my friend, I want him to please him. I’m thinking of buying him a candle and a set of organic chocolate from this site I heard that it is very useful and also tastes amazing. And if you order a gift box, your friend will receive organic chocolate in different flavors.