
Suakoko Betty

Mamanista Suakoko Suakoko Betty

It’s A Wrap

March 30, 2018

Spring has finally sprung!  It has been feeling springy in the A this past week and I hope it’s here to stay.  If you haven’t noticed by now, black is my favorite color.  Spring always gives me the push I need to start incorporating more color into my wardrobe.  I’m kicking spring off in my new beautiful African print wrap dress from Suakoko Betty.…

Holiday Style Mama Solutions Mamanista Suakoko Suakoko Betty

A Suakoko Betty Holiday

December 15, 2017

We are currently knee deep in the holiday season.  Christmas is like next week!  I’ve been in and out of the spirit, maybe because my to-do list is getting longer and I’ve been super busy.  I’m trying to get back into the spirit.  This weekend I have a few holiday parties attend.  Attending holiday parties comes with the task of finding something to wear (that fits).  I decided…

Mamanista Suakoko Suakoko Betty

Wrap it Up

August 11, 2017

We had a successful and busy first week of school.  Peyton started 2nd grade and she also moved up another level in gymnastics.  She practices 3 nights a week.  I don’t know how this little girl does it because I’m tired just taking her back and forth.  In case you missed it, you can check out what Peyton wore the first day of school and her back to…
