
Hair Care

EDEN Bodyworks Hair Care Kids Products Natural Hair Product Review Weekend Style

Flat Twist Out Tutorial for Kids with #EDENKids

April 28, 2015

As a first time mom of to a little girl, the struggle is real when it comes to doing her hair.  When Peyton was born there were no hair care products for kids.  I’m so excited that one of my favorite brands, EDEN Bodyworks , has launched EDEN Kids!  I’m currently preparing to head to the Mom 2.o conference so I have to make sure Peyton has a style that looks…

Beauty Products Bump Watch Events Hair Hair Care Just Fab Mamanista Maternity Natural Hair Product Review

Flaunt Your Style #SallyTalksTexture

March 26, 2015

Last weekend at Sally Beauty Supply stores around the country, guest were invited out to “Flaunt Your Beauty” as we talked hair and style with Beautiful Textures.  I hosted the event at Sally Beauty Supply near Stonecrest Mall.  My baby bump and I had a great time chatting with customers and talking about the hair styling options they have with Beautiful Texture and Dream Kids products.…

Baby Fashions Education Events Hair Care Parenting SKECHERS Weekend Style Winter Fashion

A Wish for Peyton #KidsDreamingBig

February 16, 2015

I have so many wishes for Peyton as she grows up.  My number one wish is that Peyton will continue to be confident and love herself while spreading love to others.  You have to love yourself first before you can spread love to others.  When you love yourself, you have to confidence to do anything when you put your mind to it.  Peyton has such an amazing personality…

DIY Fashion Hair Care Natural Hair Natural Products Tutorial

Donut Bun Tutorial for Little Girls + Moms

November 12, 2014

You’ll never understand the trials and tribulations of doing someone else’s hair until you have a daughter.  By the fussing, whines and cries, you would think that you were trying to pull out teeth. I don’t know how hairdressers do it!  I’m blessed that Peyton will sit and take hair combing like a champ.  It may hurt me more than it hurts her because of the fact if…