

Decorating Home Mamanista

New Dining Room, Who this?

January 30, 2020

I’ve been in my home for 5 years and I’m finally 90% done decorating it. I’ve been on the slow-boop with decorating because when we first moved in, I was pregnant with Harper and we remodeled our kitchen completely. Talk about money depleted. I was just happy to have a kitchen I wasn’t too worried about the rest of my house. That was until I decided to host…


Cancun Momcation: What I Wore

January 28, 2020

Your girl just returned from 4 days in Cancun, Mexico! This is my first Cancun trip. I’ve been to Mexico once for my job like 15 years ago that consisted of crossing over the border by car from Laredo, TX to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. That didn’t really count. I was invited as a speaker for the Mom Redefined MOMents in Paradise retreat. I thought I would share what…


Dust Your Shoulders Off

January 16, 2020

Happy New Year! Last year was rough and there were times that I didn’t think I would make it (mentally) but praise God, I’m still here! I’m making 2020 about me. Self-care and hitting my goals are a high priority in 2020. I’m saying no more often to others, and yes to myself. Focusing on my passions. One of my long-time passions has been my little corner of…


Happy Holidays

December 23, 2019

Merry Christmas! Is it me or does it seem like Christmas started at Halloween but it still crept upon us? I swear I had all the time in the world. I thought everyone that had their tree up before Thanksgiving was cray. It’s now two days before Christmas and I have to fight the crowds to finish up shopping. I still need to wrap. It’s safe to say…