This post is sponsored by Carter’s; however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. Every one needs to have wardrobe basics, whether big or small. For me it’s a pair of nice jeans, the perfect tee and a denim jacket. For my babies, it’s Carter’s body suits, pants and sleep & play outfits. Yes, I like to filled Harper’s closet with frilly little outfits, but I also packed her dresser…
Being home all day with two kids is no joke. I don’t know how y’all do it. Harper is crawling and getting into everything. Matter of fact, I’m fighting with her now because she’s trying to add her two cents to this post by banging on my keyboard. I’m struggling with the balance of trying to get things done around the house and spending quality fun time with…
You know I stay late with Harper’s monthly photos, but here are her 8 (1/2) month pictures. I can’t believe Harper is 8 months! I’m already doing the most and started buying items for her 1st birthday party. Yes, it’s already planned out. I just love celebrating 1st birthdays. …
Girl Squad in Suakoko
May 31, 2016I hope you all had a great Memorial Day weekend. If you follow me on Snapchat you would know that I was knee deep in painting my kitchen cabinets. I started on Saturday morning and then I was fired by Mister after I slaved for 3 days. Since are cabinets are brand new, I agreed that we needed a professional to finish them up. Soon as I got…
Mommy & Me in Suakoko Betty
May 19, 2016Would you believe me if I told you I wasn’t sure if I ever wanted kids? I was never a “kid” kinda woman. I was still on the fence about kids even after I hit 30. Maybe it was because I saw how my mom struggled and thought it wasn’t worth it. Maybe it was because I heard were so many horror stories of being a teen mom I was turned off. Or…