
tween decor


Harper’s Big Girl Room Update

March 31, 2020

I’m still making my way around my home cleaning and doing some low budget decorating. I remembered that I never posted about Harper’s room update that we did before Thanksgiving. Since Peyton got a bedroom makeover last week, Harper’s been begging for one. We had to get her room ready for our guests so that meant that her bed (crib) had to go. I don’t think she understands…

Decorating Mamanista

Peyton’s Pre-Tween Bedroom Makeover

March 24, 2020

I pray that you all are staying safe and healthy during this time. Regular life as we know it has paused (changed). I usually don’t have much anxiety but since my mom passed last year, it’s been up and down for me. I’m managed to stay calm during this time but all this “Rona” talk and trying to homeschool can get the best of me. Cleaning and organizing…