Earlier this summer there was a meme going around saying “Mean girls need to stop throwing empowerment events”. I don’t know what event this person went to or who hurt her feelings but this meme spread like wildfire. I’ve attended and spoke at several events over my blogging career and I’ve never experienced this “mean”. I recently spoke and attended the She Prevails Conference by Prevailing Woman. I left so full and inspired. I’m going to share my experience at She Prevails and tips to get the most out of an empowerment event.

The purpose of She Prevails is to empower, entertain, and recharge women who are thought leaders, entrepreneurs and have a general interest in the welfare of their communities. It is an opportunity for women to gather together to hear dynamic speakers, create meaningful relationships in a curated atmosphere for women to excel.
She Prevails did exactly what they said they were going to do. I met some amazing women like Cierra from Chic and Savvy Belle (pictured above) throughout the weekend. I plan to will continue to grow these relationships.

I spoke on a panel about balance (or lack thereof) with Kacey from Babies x Bellinis and Ebony from Millennial Mamma. We shared how we manage it all, what we do during hard times and how we pull ourselves out.

I sat in on my Atlanta friend, Tahira (creator of The Cut Life) panel about the beauty biz. She gave out so many valuable gems! She shared her journey how something she did as a hobby turned into a beauty business. She shared tips on how to pitch, create multiple streams of income and more. If you ever get a chance to hear her talk, I suggest you go!

The keynote speaker was Leytoya Luckett-Walker. It was so refreshing to hear her speak. She shared her journey after Destiny’s Child, marriage and motherhood. This woman is hilarious!!! It was like having a conversation with your girlfriend.

Connected in real life with these ladies, Cierra, Kacey, Rika and Alena

This pic is not the best but I’m with the founder of She Prevails and Prevailing Woman, Sabrina Seymore. I don’t know how she does it. From her Beatless Meetups to this conference, Sabrina makes it look effortless. Great venue, beautiful decor and great speakers. I appreciate Sabrina for creating a beautiful space for women that look like me to pour into one another. Thank you, Sabrina!
Here are a few tips to get the most out of a woman’s empowerment event.
- Know why you’re going. I think this is the biggest reason why someone may be disappointed after an event (outside of it being poorly executed). Do you plan on learning? Meet new people? Looking for motivation? Network? Have one on one time a keynote speaker or host? If you are going with all your hopes and dreams based on meeting one person, your experience may not be great. Speakers are enticing, let that draw you to the event, not the only reason you are going.
- Follow and engage with speakers and attendees beforehand. Every time I confirm heading to a conference or event, I like to learn about the other speakers. Then I look at the hashtag to see who is talking about it. I may notice someone I engage with regularly and I have an opportunity to meet them IRL. Engaging beforehand is a great way to build relationships before you arrive. This is great for someone who is shy.
- Don’t try to close the deal. I’ve had people try to get me to commit to something 30 seconds into a conversation at an event. Aye buddy, you’re moving way too fast for me. Yes, you should be ready if the opportunity presents itself but don’t be aggressive. It could possibly turn the person you want to work with completely off.
- Be in the moment. I spoke around 10:30 am at the She Prevails conference so I had the rest of the day to enjoy other speakers. I was able to relax and take it all in. It was the best feeling. Even if you go to network, it’s great to slow down and enjoy.
- Let people know you’re going. Share you’re going using the hashtag. Even if you just post in your stories. Someone that follows you may be going or can connect you to someone that’s going to be there.
- Engage. Tweet, snap, and post before, during and after. This helps to keep the conversation going. You may connect with someone that you didn’t get a chance to speak during the event.
- Take action. Make sure you take notes. Go over them after the event and try to incorporate a few of them to see if helps you in your business and life. Do the work!
So much Black Girl Magic at She Prevails! I want to encourage those that are watching on Insta and saying I should’ve gone to get out and do some real-life instagraming! Get out an connect with people. I’m a people person, it’s sort of my gift. Most of my opportunities come from getting out and connecting with people.
You don’t need to catch flights or book a room to attend a great event. There are events in pretty much every major city, for everyone. You don’t have to be a blogger or influencer to attend. Just keep an eye out what’s going on in your area. The event doesn’t have to be big. I’ve had great success at smaller events with fewer people.
If you want to grow your business or looking for inspo, just get out there. Every event that I have attended, I’ve benefitted in some way, even when the event itself was poorly executed. I meet new people, learn something or re-connect with old friends. I hope to see you at She Prevails next year!
Please share your thoughts on women empowerment events. Do you attend? Have they benefitted you in any way?