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Play Like a Girl #BringBackPlay

May 12, 2015

As a little girl, I played outside from sun up to sun down.  If I got in trouble and couldn’t play outside, it was like my world was over.  Times have changed.  Our kids are in house, playing with electronics and watching TV all day.  Especially little girls.  We don’t let them run and play like the boys do.  It’s time for use to make a change for our…

Baby Items Baby Products EDEN Bodyworks Hair Hair Care Kids Products Mama Solutions Natural Hair Parenting Product Review

Bantu Knot Tutorial + #EDENKids Giveaway!

May 6, 2015

As moms’ of little brown girls, Christina from Baby Brown Sugar and I know the struggle is real.  Not only do we want they hair to be healthy and look nice but we also want our daughters to love their hair.  When Peyton was born almost 5 years ago, there weren’t any hair care products designed with my daughters curls in mind.  I was super pumped to learn that…

Breast Feeding Parenting Similac

My Breastfeeding Story #SisterhoodUnite

March 18, 2015

I was nervous about breastfeeding before I had Peyton.  I heard so many stories about women not being successful at breastfeeding.  I was also scared that I would be less of a mom if I didn’t breastfeed. While I was pregnant, I came across so many articles and forums women dogging out other women out because they couldn’t or wouldn’t breastfeed.  I was nervous about being judged if…