I hope everyone stayed warm this weekend. There was snow everywhere, even in Georgia. Not enough to do anything but they still shut the Atlanta down. Harper is 4 months already! She’s growing up so fast! She’s so big. Right now she is at 97%. That means if she was in a room with 100 babies, she would be bigger than 97 of them. I’ve been a horrible…
I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend celebrating MLK Day. I stayed in the house most of the weekend because the temps have dropped to freezing in Atlanta. Peyton had to break out her cold weather gear. Being bundled up has never looks so fly! …
It was a cold weekend in the A! It’s an even colder Monday. Our weekend was pretty chill. I’ve started my health kick and Mister is on a fast so we’ve been staying pretty close to home. Since it’s finally cold, Peyton has been pulling out her fabulous winter coats like this colorful one from J. Crew.…
Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating! My New Year turn-up was actually a turn-down. I fell asleep well before midnight with my babies. Mister woke me up to tell me Happy New Year and I went back to sleep. Sleep is a luxury around here, so if I have to miss the ball dropping, so be it. Peyton is still on break…
We had an awesome year around these parts. It’s hard to believe 2016 is just right around the corner! Since starting this blog 5 years ago, I love looking back at Peyton’s outfits. Looking back, I get to see how much my baby doll has grown in the last year. I must say I am pretty impressed by her outfits in 2015 considering I was pregnant and tired most…