Baby Fashions Fall Fashion Fashion H+M Mama Solutions Mamanista Mommy and Me Weekend Style

Rock Stars

November 14, 2017

This week my crew is looking like we just got off a world tour.  I love me some vintage concert tees.  I love them even more for the little ones.  For our latest mommy and me look shot by Lily Oliver Photography, I pulled out our favorite concert tees and moto jackets.

Photos by Lily Oliver Photography

Peyton: Moto jacket, TJ Maxx (similar) | Tee, Target | Flannel, Walmart | Jeans, H+M | Boots, H+M

Harper: Moto jacket, Babies r’Us (similar) | Tee, Target | Flannel, Walmart | Jeans, H+M | Boots, H+M

Trina: Moto jacket, Blank NYC (similar) | Tee, F21 | Flannel, F21 | Jeans, Target | Boots, Report

We may not be rock stars but we look the part.  As much as I love mommy and me outfits, everyday ones are my favorite.

If you don’t have a flannel for the fall/winter, head to Walmart to the men section for yourself, and the boy section for the kids.  They are great for layering and only cost $8!