

Celebrities Events Fitness Healthy Living Mama Solutions Mamanista

Mommies Who Sweat with Syleena Johnson

February 7, 2013

Last Saturday woke up at the crack of dawn to head to Metroplex in Atlanta to workout with R+B Diva, Syleena Johnson for her Mommies Who Sweat Boot Camp!  I have been a long time fan of the fellow Chi-Town native, Syleena Johnson so I was happy to go! Syleena and I (and my uni-boob) before the workout began.  Syleena had so much energy!  She participated in all…

BlogHer Fly Shoes Kohls Mama Solutions Sole Society Summer Fashion Travel

Flats Only for BlogHer? No Ma’am

July 26, 2012

OMG! In one week I will be in New York City attending BlogHer!!!  Super excited!  Since Suakoko Betty is dressing me for the special events, putting together my outfits has been pretty easy.  But what about SHOES? Folks on twitter are going on and on, talking about don’t wear heels to BlogHer!  What!  Do you think I am really going to New York and not wearing heels?  But…

Blogging Tips Events Mommy Blogger New York Travel

Baby Shopaholic in the City

June 29, 2012

It’s confirmed!  I will be attending BlogHer in New York City in August!!!!  This will be my first BlogHer conference and my first time in NYC!  I am uber pumped! Keynote speaker is Martha Stewart!  Can’t wait to hear what she has to say! image via sheknows.com You know I am already putting my outfits together!  Details coming soon!  I am stressing out about what shoes to take!…

Baby Gear Healthy Living I Heart My...

Coastal Blue Ocean: I Heart My…

June 22, 2011

Hey Ladies!  We have Coastal Blue Ocean sharing with us what she Hearts!  She shares beautiful beach pictures and also is in to healthier living!  Enjoy! Hello All, I am happy to contribute to the I Heart series from my blog Coastal Blue Ocean. First, I would like to share some of the products I Heart available on my Shaklee web site.I Heart these shakes because they’re easy to…