

Food Girls Night Out Healthy Living Mama Solutions Mama's Night Out Product Review Sponsored The Diet Diaries

Low-Cal Strawberry Amaretto Freeze #SweetNLowStars

July 15, 2014

This week I made my Sweet’N Low Strawberry Amaretto Freeze as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars #SweetNLowStars. I may be on journey to loose a few several pounds but I won’t be giving up my “mommy” drinks for nobody.  I conveniently forget that the most delicious cocktails are packed with sugar.  My so-called solution is drink water all day and save my calories for cocktails.  That sounded like…

Fitness Healthy Living Mama Solutions Mamanista The Diet Diaries Weight Loss Weight Watchers Workout Gear

The Diet Diaries: A Change is Gonna Come

July 1, 2014

There is so much I want to share with you guys!  I’m down 5 pounds *does the MC Hammer* and then the *cabbage patch*.  I can’t believe it! I’m so happy I stuck with it after being in a dark place (here) two weeks ago.  I guess I just had to make it over that hump.  Losing weight is so not easy!  I’m over here crying about losing…

Fitness Healthy Living Mama Solutions Mamanista The Diet Diaries Weight Loss Weight Watchers Workout Gear

The Diet Diaries: Workouts + Change of Plans

June 24, 2014

Slight change of plans.  I’ve been going hard working out and eating right for the last two weeks.  I waited till Friday morning to get on the scale.  I was 3 pounds heavier.  I was devastated and immediately went to pick up a chicken biscuit and hash browns.  I was upset all day.  Everyone I shared this devastating news with would tell me “It’s because you’re gaining muscle,…

Family Fun Fitness Healthy Living Kids Health Mama Solutions Parenting Weight Loss Weight Watchers

The Diet Diaries: What to Eat?

June 17, 2014

Last week I shared my diet and fitness struggle with you.  The struggle is real out here!  The hardest part for me is eating right.   On top of eating right, I don’t like cooking.  Plus, I don’t have the time.  I wish I could afford a chef or a fresh meal delivery service.  I would loose this weight in not time.  Unfortunately, I don’t have it like…

Food Healthy Living Mama Solutions Mamanista Parenting The Diet Diaries Weight Loss Weight Watchers

The Diet Diaries

June 11, 2014

A diet can mean two things. The kind of food a person eats or a special course of food to which one restricts oneself, either to lose weight or for medical reasons.  I need to change my “diet” in order to loose weight and to prevent life threatening diseases.  I figured I would start health and fitness conversation on the blog.  I’m not going to tell you how to lose…