Mama Solutions Mamanista Product Review

Use What You Know: A Business Idea Guide for Moms – Book Review

November 13, 2011

Emmy Award winner Joyce Brewer, who I met this summer at a blogger meet up, asked me if I would be interested in reviewing her new book: Use What You Know: A Business Idea Guide for Moms

I had to be honest with her… I don’t read books!  Then I asked her “How many pages is it?”  I know Joyce wanted to be like “Never mind, sorry for asking.” LOL.  She tells me 45 pages.  I tell her “Ok, I think I can handle that.”

Here is a brief description of Use What You Know: A Business Idea Guide for Moms

Are you a mom who would like to create your own business, but you can’t find a business idea that suits you?

Would you like to pursue your passion while having the flexibility to work from home?

As a former TV news anchor and Emmy award-winning TV journalist, that’s exactly what I’ve done with Mommy Talk Show.

I’d love to show you how can turn your skills, expertise and professional background into a business with Use What You Know: A Business Idea Guide for Moms.

Here is video of Joyce Brewer telling you more about the book.
I carved out some time to sit down with the e-book.   Before I knew it I was done!  That is definitely a plus for me! 
In this book Joyce shares the experience of 6 different Moms in detail of how they started their own business using what the already know, including herself. One of the moms has quadruplets! Four kids at once! And she started her own business.  If she can do it, we can do it!
While reading this book I felt as though I was sitting in a room with these ladies sharing their stories and awesome tips, it was justf like reading the Birdeye reviews from TrustRadius.  Needless to say I was very inspired when I was done.  
I recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a career change, has a hobby they love, in a dead end job or just want to be an entrepreneur!  You may enjoy baking, crafting, writing or shopping : ), this book can help guide you and give you the confidence you need to take it to the next step.
Joyce is offering the e-book at a special discount for $7 for the first 10 Baby Shopaholic readers!  Use discount code: babyshopa. You don’t have to have an Ipad or Nook to read this book, just a computer!
Are you an Mompreneur? Or dream to be one?
*Disclosure: I was give a copy of the e-book for review.  Opinions expressed are my own.
  • BlitzAndGlam
    November 13, 2011 at 2:07 pm

    I literally Lol’d at “I don’t read books!”. I love to read books, but it’s been too long since I’ve had time to enjoy one. It sounds like an inspiring book though!

  • Aisha G of HartlynKids
    November 13, 2011 at 2:24 pm

    I need to read this and glad that it is digital. Because you don’t read books, but I don’t read physical ones… which is pretty funny since I make them lol. Being a entrepreneur of ANY type is hard and I could use all the help that I can get!!!!

  • Laila
    November 13, 2011 at 4:58 pm

    Sounds like a great idea! I have a lot of business ideas in my head, just need to figure out how to make them come together. Thanks for sharing this book.

  • Joyce@MommyTalkShow
    November 13, 2011 at 5:29 pm

    Hi ladies!
    This is Joyce, the author of Use What You Know: A Business Idea Guide for Moms.
    I appreciate the wonderful reviews and comments.
    Feel free to use the coupon code (babyshopa) to get the book for just $7, the lowest price I’ll ever sell it for.
    E-mail me with questions or comments – [email protected]

  • Dr. Reginia
    November 13, 2011 at 6:24 pm

    LOL – Why can I see your face saying, I don’t read books”. Hilarious.

    I think you did a great job presenting the book.

    I read far too many books, journals, papers, and blah blah blah because of my job. I would love to meet Joyce if she ever had a book signing.

  • TC30s
    November 13, 2011 at 9:59 pm

    Love your honesty! and looks like an awesome opportunity to moms! Thanks for sharing Trina!

  • Letillia
    November 14, 2011 at 1:28 am

    Thank You for Sharing this! I just ordered mine I can’t wait to read it!!

  • Mimi
    November 15, 2011 at 9:37 pm

    I am definitely going to check this out. I am trying my hand at this mompreneur thing again and any useful tips will help.