I am happy to announce that we are officially Potty Trained!!!!!!!!!!!! *Throws Glitter + Confetti* *Cues Marching Band*
I knew she had it in her but she was just trying to break me down! It’s like she was she said to herself “Let me stop playing around and just use the potty”. Just like that she was like “Mommy, I have to the potty”. I was crazy surprised but went ahead and threw her on the potty… then she peed! Praise the lawd! Guess what else… she hasn’t had one accident since, over two weeks! I am so proud of her! To celebrate we got some new Dora panties! Now she only wants to wear Dora!
Crazy thing is I was trying to put a diaper on her at nighttime and she REFUSES to wear one! But she will wear a pull-up. We call the Nite-Nite Panties. But she has even wakes up in the middle of the night to say she has to potty so I will give it another week and maybe we can go cold turkey at night! I am not about that “changing sheets in the middle of the night” life!
Our shopping routines have been a bit challenging because we are running across the mall looking for bathrooms. I am much more aware of where the restrooms are when I head to a store. But still no accidents when out!
What did Mama learn through all this? You have to have patience and be persistent. I wanted to give up and throw diapers back on her and start again but her teachers and all you guys kept me encouraged! Thank You! To have everyone that takes care of your child on the same page is important!
December 27, 2012 at 5:52 pmYay congrats to her. Patience is key I carry a potty in my car so I would not have to be running around like a mad women it saves time and it’s cleaner.
December 27, 2012 at 7:51 pmCongrats!!! I would stop the pull-ups at night ASAP! Like tonight! The sooner you let it all go the better. You’ll be changing sheets later if you hold on to the pull-ups now! Don’t underestimate her, she got this! Lol!
Megan, TfDiaries.com
December 27, 2012 at 8:14 pmYAY! Aiden did too, he’s only had like 2 accidents in a week, so excited and proud. Finally!
Xo Megan, http://www.TfDiaries.com
Windy City Mama
December 27, 2012 at 8:34 pmPotty trained during the day over here too! Last night she had her first dry diaper. Going to switch to the plastic bloomers soon for night. Must be in the air.
December 28, 2012 at 12:04 amHooray for Peyton!! Potty training can be tiring but when they get the hang of it, it’s all worth it. I’m gearing up for my adventures in trying to potty train my 2nd after the New Year. Wish me luck because I hear potty training boys is very different from girls.
Katherine Phillips
December 28, 2012 at 4:43 amCONGRATULATIONS PEYTON!!!
Dr. Reginia; The Social Mistress
December 28, 2012 at 6:10 pmCongratulations Peyton. Welcome to the world of big girl panties. 🙂
January 1, 2013 at 8:40 amYay Peyton! Persistence is the key. Instead of Dora its Barbie panties over here. Whatevs!! These little people have their only little quirks
Talking with Tami
January 1, 2013 at 5:44 pmGo Peyton! When Dootie was small like your daughter, I let her pick out her own panties and it was Barbie! Once she did that she never had an accident and thats how she learned to potty train, too funny!
Jennifer of JennySue Makeup
January 1, 2013 at 8:22 pmOMG, just going thru your old posts and saw this one that I can totally relate to!! My blog today is on this exact challenge!! It’s so freaking difficult, but so worth it to not have to buy freaking diapers anymore!! Maybe I can start treating myself to Starbucks again once I don’t have to pay $$ for diapers. We are not there yet, but I’m hopeful I can knock this out soon seeing as though this is my 3rd time at doing this!! I should know what I’m doing by now right??
Rose's Daughter
January 5, 2013 at 4:50 pmYAY! I knew she would get it!