Beauty Products Product Review

October Birch Box Has Arrived!

October 20, 2011

Have you heard of Birch Box?  It’s basically a beauty product sample club!  For $10 a month you receive a box of 4 or 5 full size luxury beauty samples.  I know, why pay for samples?  I first learned about Birch Box from fellow Atlanta Blogger Si Si from Si Si Sparkles!  I just love trying new stuff so for $10 to try 5 products sounds good to me versus paying $50 for a product I don’t like.

This is a picture from of the October box.

Octobers box includes: Blink Mascara, Befinet Lip Serum, Orofluido Elixir , Tea Forte Mints, Pangea Organics Facial Mask. So far I have used two of the products. 

I been using Befine Food Skin Care Lip Serum.  I have the crustiest lips so I need some good lip balm.  This stuff is!  It last a long time and doesn’t get gunky. 

Then I tried the Pangea Organics Facial Mask.

Here is what it looks like when you put it on. Looks like Peyton threw some Gerber peas on my face!  Like most masks, it take some work to get it all off.  After applying moisturizer my skin felt softer and smoother then usual.  I will continue use this mask until its gone.  The price of full size is $12, I see a purchase in my future!
I just want to let you guys know that I do NOT plan on becoming a review blog! I love to share and  love when others share about great products they come across so I don’t waste money.
Nordstroms and Neiman Marcus also give out great samples!  So when you go to refill you must have concealer ask the salesperson to load you up with some samples. 
Do you use samples or do you go to Sephora and spend $100 to find out you only like half of the products?
*Disclosure:  I purchased the Birch Box with my own money, I was NOT compensated for this post in any way.  The opinions expressed are my own.
  • Looms, Lids, and Layers
    October 20, 2011 at 2:31 pm

    We got the same box this time!! I am so happy to have signed up! I am doing my post for this next week!!! BTW Have fun a t Be Blogalicious!!

  • Jenny
    October 20, 2011 at 4:45 pm

    hmm..interesting. I’ve never heard of Birch Box. Thanks for the heads up I might check them out!

  • Chicago Mom (Heather)
    October 20, 2011 at 5:59 pm

    That sounds like something fun to look forward to once a month. 😉

  • Cam | Bibs and Baubles
    October 20, 2011 at 6:24 pm

    I LOVE this!!! Sign me up! Thanks for the hook up!

  • Aisha G of HartlynKids
    October 20, 2011 at 6:33 pm

    Never heard this – this is cool!!! Thanks for sharing

  • Melissa
    October 20, 2011 at 6:45 pm

    I signed up for th box last night! Excited!!

  • Jarette (juh-rette)
    October 20, 2011 at 8:32 pm

    i think im going to sign up..looks like alot of fun….

  • JazzH
    October 20, 2011 at 9:13 pm

    You are silly! Peyton threw some peas, lol! I sample stuff all the time at Sephora, best to know if you like it first…

  • Dr. Reginia
    October 21, 2011 at 12:35 am

    I kept reading about Birch Box. I am so glad that you explained it. I may try this early next year.

    PS. I hope you’re enjoying DC. It’s an interesting and engaging city…I went to college and lived in that area about 9 years.

  • Make Mommy Chic
    October 21, 2011 at 1:47 am

    Hi, what a fun post! I’m interested to know what you think of BLINC mascara, i’ve seen it around but haven’t heard much about it 🙂

  • Lacy in the Sky with Diapers
    October 21, 2011 at 2:07 am

    That actually is a perfect Idea my love I think I might need to try it…… Thanks for the idea!!!! xo

  • Eboni Ife'
    October 21, 2011 at 3:09 am

    It is so funny! You got completely different stuff in your box than I did. Well, I got that mascara last month, but the rest of the stuff you got is totally different.

    …and it is okay if you want to do reviews, girl! People like to hear honest reviews!

  • SiSi Sparkles
    October 22, 2011 at 1:43 pm

    yay! I’m so glad you like it:] Some months, it’s a hit or miss, but usually they have something that is cool.

    I’m a samples kind of gal!!

    Take care hun

  • I Goodie 2 Shoes
    October 23, 2011 at 4:08 am

    Quick question if you do not like a sample, what do you discard it or give it away?
    I thought about this as well. I always have tons of stuff I do not use. I do giveaways on fb or just give it away.

  • Lisa C Writes
    October 26, 2011 at 10:26 pm

    Think I’m going to try this! Thanks for sharing and I agree, spending $10 for 5 things vs. $50 for something I may not like priceless 😉

  • MotorCityMoxie
    November 2, 2011 at 11:26 pm

    I’m sure the result was nice, but the last photo is …weird…lol. Thanks for sharing.