Giving Back Healthy Living Kids Health Parenting

Mothers living with HIV #StopHIVTogether

May 17, 2014

Becoming a mother is a beautiful thing.  But it may not feel so beautiful if you found you were pregnant and HIV positive at the same time.  Both Michelle and Masonia share their story of living with HIV and being a mother.  Please listen to these brave mother’s stories on they live their lives with HIV.

Now check out Masonia’s story.

The strength that these women have is amazing!  And to keep it real, their stories could have been our stories.  Mom, cover your ears… but I wasn’t a virgin when I married Mister.  I also wasn’t running to the doctor every time I “slipped up”.  I’m sure you didn’t either.  We are blessed because this could have been anyone of us.  I’m thankful that these brave women are sharing their stories.  

By working together, we can help stop HIV. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Let’s Stop HIV Together campaign raises awareness about HIV and its impact on the lives of all Americans. How can we help to stop HIV?

I encourage you to head over to the CDC’s Let’s Stop HIV Together page (HERE) to learn more.

This post is made possible by support from the Let’s Stop HIV Together campaign. All opinions are my own.