

FabKids Fall Fashion Family Fun Parenting SKECHERS Weekend Style

Big Hearts + Self-Esteem

October 14, 2014

After having daughter, you realize how important self-esteem is.  As soon as little girls start school, they start comparing themselves to other girls. We don’t want our daughters to feel like they less beautiful than another little girl.  Building self-esteem starts with us moms, aunts, grandmas and tee tees.  I love that Dove is committed to encourage women to pass their positive beauty image down to the next…

Baby Fashions Back to School Dolls Fall Fashion Fashion Gifts Kids Shoes School Fashion SKECHERS Weekend Style

Twinkle Toes + Cabbage Patches

September 9, 2014

It’s hard to believe that Peyton started school almost a month ago!  I still feel like I’m scrambling making sure she has everything she needs.  Peyton is also taking Spanish and dance classes so the lists of items she needs keep coming!  I’m also still tightening up her fall wardrobe.  Since the weather in Atlanta is still scorching, Peyton has been expressing her back to school style through…