
Movie Premier

Movie Premier Preg and Fab

What to Expect When You’re Expecting

April 13, 2012

As soon as you get that positive sign on your pregnancy test what is one of the first things you buy?  The book “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”. I am sure you heard about the new movie “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”.  At first I thought it was going to be some kind of serious movie but it looks hilarious!!!  Below is the Dudes Group trailer. …

Designer Dresses Events Mamanista Movie Premier Red Carpet

Mama’s Movie Premiere

November 29, 2011

Well Tuesday was the BIG premiere at the Fox of Mister’s movie that he produced Sunday Morning Rapture.  It was a awesome night!  The night was un-real!  We actually had a police escort to the FOX! Crazy! We felt like celebrities for one night!  Makeup was done by Jasmine from Fashion Rouge, who I meet at some blogging events this summer!  She hooked a sista up!  Love her!  You thought it was…