

Easter Sunday Hats Mamanista Spring Fashion

What are You Wearing Easter Sunday?

April 5, 2012

Did you pick out an Easter dress?  I lucked out and found a dress last month from Banana Republic on clearance for $10!  Similar to this below. Joan Floral Sheath Dress I grew up in a church where women wore big hats on Sunday.  For Easter, the bigger the better!  So with all this hype our friends across the pond sporting fabulous hats and facinators.  A little person got…

Giveaway Hats Product Review Winter Fashion

Hooked by Ima: Hat Review and Giveaway!

January 24, 2012

I am so excited to tell you guys about Hooked by Ima!  Hooked by Ima is an online boutique that carries high quality, custom, hand made hats, scarves and blankets! Peyton and I received these amazing hats from Hooked by Ima to review! Peyton is in LOVE with her customer Owl hat!  She has been wearing everywhere and getting a TON of compliments!  We were in the grocery store and a…

Fall Fashion Hats Mingle Monday

Monday Mingle!

October 3, 2011

Actually this outfit is from yesterday.  I attended a blogger Autum Beauty Brunch hosted by makeup artist Mimi J.  I planned on having the post ready but Peyton didn’t want to cooperate so now I am extra tired.   I am linking up with Glamamom, Mom Trends and Bon Bon Rose Girls for Monday Mingle! Let me put a disclaimer on this outfit.  I like to believe it was…

Fall Fashion Giveaway Hats

Hats Off Giveaway!!!

September 29, 2011

Hat’s off to my followers!  I appreciate my followers and those of you that visit everyday and leave comments.  Whoot Whoot!  To show my appreciation I am giving away…. THREE!  Yes, 3!  Floppy hats for the fall!!!!  I have been talking about them and pinning them so I thought it would be great to give  away this cute Australian Wool Floppy hat so you can try them too.  How to Enter:1)…

Fall Fashion Hats

Mama’s Fall Style

September 20, 2011

I am normally not one to go with trends, I do my own thing of what I like and what works for me, so I really do not have a set style category.  But if you want to get a feel for what I will be rocking in the fall, this is it!!! Kim K’s look is thebomb.com!  It’s perfect!  From the hat, vest, bag… Ok, can’t get…