
Fall Fashion

Designer Dresses Events Fall Fashion Holiday Style Mamanista Photography

Fall Preview at Calypso St. Barth

October 2, 2013

Fall is here even though the weather is not.  That doesn’t mean that we can’t continue to get ready.  To prepare for fall, I hosted Fall Fashion Preview and VIP shopping event at the Atlanta Calypso St Barth boutique. Beaded Tunic c/o Calypso St. Barth (on sale)/ J Brand Jeans/ Parker boots, JustFab Do you see this awesome jeweled and beaded neckline on this tunic?  SICK!  Calypso sets themselves…

Current Trends Cusp Designer Dresses Events Fall Fashion Gucci Just Fab Mamanista Neiman Marcus Neimans Style Tips Vogue

Fall Trends at Neimans + Vogue Event

October 1, 2013

Last week, Neiman Marcus Atlanta hosted a fall trends presentation with Vogue Market Stylist, Whitney Walker.  If you’ve been to a Neimans party, you know the  drinks were flowing, the beats were bumping and the fashions were fierce! Parker beaded pants, Cusp – Neiman Marcus/ Tee, Gap/ Necklace, Pop of Chic (similar)/ Clutch, Gucci/ Pumps c/o JustFab In addition to this awesome fashion party, I was asked by…

Baby Gap Baby Shoes Boots Current Trends Fall Fashion Gap Gap Kids H+M Old Navy Weekend Style

Weekend Style: Utility

September 30, 2013

Hey Guys! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  Mine was spent catching up on life : ).  I’m back on the grind with some awesome things going on this week.  Make sure to follow me on Twitter and Instagram to keep up with the Baby Shopaholic circus! Atlanta cooled off for a hot second last week so Peyton had a chance to wear some cute fall…

Denim Fall Fashion Gap Mamanista Style Me Friday Style Tips Target

Style Me Friday: Boyfriend Jeans 4 Ways

September 27, 2013

I survived another week!  Things are so crazy in real life you wouldn’t believe!  I’m still tying up the loose ends from my mother’s move back to Chicago, my niece who is preggers went to the hospital and was put on bed-rest for a week (she is doing good now) and I hosted two events this week.  It’s just Friday!   Next week is going to be another…

Boots Fall Fashion Just Fab Mamanista Mommy Blogger Shopping Spree

New Outfit from Merchant’s Walk

September 24, 2013

I love finding new shopping centers! It’s like going on a field trip for me.  I was just introduced to Merchant’s Walk shopping district in the East Cobb neighborhood.  With my gift cards in hand, I took a field trip (only 20 minutes away) to Merchant’s Walk to see what clothing treasures I could find. Dress, Fab’rik/ Moto jacket, Lizard Thicket/ Palmer booties, JustFab I waltzed in to…