

Blogging Blogging Tips BlogHer Mommy Blogger

Blogging Tips: How to Get on “The List” #BlogHer13

August 8, 2013

Before starting this blog I had no idea on what went on in this corner of the internet world.  Now I’m hosting events, doing sponsored post and headed to blog conferences.  Who would have thunk it!  Just like doing anything you love, you have to keep learning.  To learn more in this blogosphere world you may need to attend a conference or two.  Every conference is different so…

Blogging BlogHer Chi-town Deux Lux Just Fab Mamanista Mommy Blogger TopShop Vacation Style

What I Wore #BlogHer13

August 6, 2013

You know how you have these big plans on wearing all this cute stuff when you head out of town?  Then you go out of town and you are running around like crazy and you don’t wear half the stuff?  Yeah, that happened to me for BlogHer!   I packed the usual two outfits per day, one for day and one for night.  Well the nighttime outfits didn’t…

Accessories Blogging Blogging Tips BlogHer EDEN Bodyworks Events Gifts Indique Hair Just Fab Mommy Blogger Natural Hair

Indique + JustFab Lipstick & High Heels Event Chicago #BlogHer13

August 2, 2013

To kick of BlogHer 2013, I hosted the 2nd Lipstick & High Heels event at Indique Boutique Chicago.  Indique is a luxury hair extension line (I’m currently wearing) with boutiques in Chicago, all over North East, South Africa and coming soon to Atlanta (Whoot!).  Indique along with JustFab, were premier sponsors of the Lipstick and High Heels event.  To say we had a ball is an understatement! Dress, Versona (in store…

BlogHer Chi-town Events Mama Solutions Mama's Night Out Mamanista Mommy Blogger The Little Style File

Mani’s with Momtrends at #BlogHer13

August 2, 2013

One thing is certain during BlogHer, there will be fabulous parties!  Nicole from Momtrends had me up early on Friday morning to attend her Momtrends Mani event at Blowtique in Chicago. Denim Jacket c/o Paige Denim/ Dress, Versona/ Sandals, GoJane I won this fabulous Talbots clutch that I am holding during the event!  You know I was pumped!   I got to hang out with my girl Kristin…

Blogging BlogHer

Gone Blogging

July 26, 2013

Hey Guys! So sorry for the lack of posts this week.  I planned to have some post set up for this week but it just didn’t happen. I’m in Chicago for BlogHer and going nonstop!  Follow me on twitter and instagram @BabyShopa to keep up with me throughout the weekend.  Get ready for some fun posts once I return home.  xoxo…
