
Baby Shoes

Baby Gap Baby Shoes Gap Kids Toms Weekend Style Zara

Weekend Style: Toms

March 12, 2012

Hope you guys had a great weekend.  Mine went down the drain Saturday afternoon.  I dropped my phone in a garbage can filled with coffee!  Yes! My phone was dripping coffee.  And, No it is not working! As of right now I am phone-less.  So if you missed me on twitter this weekend that is why!  Before that went down, Mister, Peyton and I attended the nursery section launch at…

Baby Shoes Spring Fashion

Toms for Baby and Moms

February 24, 2012

I was not a fan of Toms when they first came out.  But after hearing that for every shoe purchased that a child in need will be given a pair.  Shopping and supporting a cause!  Win Win!  I was thinking of getting Peyton some for the Spring / Summer. I am getting sucked in to the madness of Toms.  Since I can’t wear Ugg boots in the summer…