Christmas Cusp DVF F21 Holiday Style Kate Spade Mama Solutions Mamanista Nordstroms Party Style Rachel Roy Sole Society Zara

Holiday Glam Looks

December 11, 2012

Who is ready to Partay!!!  I am trying to get all the way in the Holiday spirit!  I’m at about 30%.  I am sure that will change because I have a busy weekend with holiday parties!  Last week I shared some of my picks for more Casual Holiday Outfits (HERE) and now it’s time to SHUT it DOWN!

French Connections sure knows how to make a party dress!  FIERCE!

Dress the Population DressGold Hoop EarringsDVF ClutchSuzanne Sole Society Sandal, F21 Bracelet

This high/low dress is business in the back and party in the front!  Love it! 

This may be my fave! Channel disco nights with this look!  It will look good with any type of hair, Big, Fro, Bun, Straight… 
Which look is your fave?  Do you have big party plans this weekend?  What are you wearing to shut it down?
  • Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful}
    December 11, 2012 at 5:12 pm

    Sparkle always gets me in a holiday mood! (c; And girl, I have been *loving* all your outfit posts coming through on my FB!!! You are my fashion hero (c:

  • Mrs. Collins
    December 11, 2012 at 6:55 pm

    I love these, great pieces, the first dress and the jumpsuit are my faves. I haven’t tried the jumpsuit trend yet.

  • Stacey
    December 12, 2012 at 2:35 am

    i love your picks! gorgeous!