I’m all about taking preventative measures when it comes to skincare. Why wait till something falls apart before you try to do something about it. I’ll be on the high end of 30 this year. I don’t know about you, but I love getting those, “You don’t even look 30!” comments. Technology is so far advanced that we can age gracefully without going under the knife. I’ve been giving myself a 5 min facelift using the NuFace Mini facial toning device.
The NuFACE mini is an FDA-cleared microcurrent Facial Toning Device that gently stimulates the larger surface areas of the face to increase the creation of key structural proteins like collagen and elastin.
When using the NuFace mini, I start with a clean, non –moisturized face. Then I apply the NuFace primer (gel like) that came with the device to the areas that I plan to treat. My area of concern is my jaws, laugh lines and under eye area. Next, I turn the NuFace mini device to level one intensity and start at my jawline and move slowly back to my ear (hairline). The NuFace device will beep after five seconds to notify you to move to the next area. After I am done with my treatment, I turn off the device and wipe the primer off with a warm towel. I wrap things up using my favorite moisturizer.
I have to admit that I haven’t been consistent in using the NuFace mini for 60 days straight like they recommend. I’ve been on an off, but I have used the NuFace mini several days in a row. Even though I have not noticed any visible changes in my laugh lines, my face feels very toned and firm. I was surprised at how gentle the NuFace device is. You first though when you use something that says it has a “microcurrent”, I think of a taser. So not the case. On the level one intensity, I didn’t feel anything at all. Level two had a little tingle but nothing uncomfortable.

As a Neiman Marcus beauty ambassador I received this product for review purposes. Thoughts and opinions are my own.
I would recommend the NuFace mini device for anyone wanting to achieve toned, firm skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles (with consistent use). I would do this any day before considering going under the knife and potentially looking like a tanned Bruce Jenner. You can purchase the NuFace mini at Neiman Marcus (HERE). Have you tried any beauty devices lately?

August 28, 2014 at 7:19 pmThis might be something i will have to look into!
Mama Fashion Files
August 28, 2014 at 11:57 pmI’m not big on devices but as I get older I need to consider all sorts of ways to prevent aging. I’d like to give this a try. Thanks for sharing!